How important is experience for social media management?
A LinkedIn connection of mine (who incidentally has about a year of experience as a freelancer) pointed out that experience is meaningless. After all, You could have a super talented (hopefully literate) freelancer with a year of experience, or you could have one person who has 20 years of experience working within one business. There […]
Large Brands vs Small Brands: Marketing Wins and Fails
In the vast landscape of marketing, the strategies employed by brands of different sizes can vary significantly. While larger brands often allocate their resources strategically, focusing on specific goals and leveraging influencer collaborations and press coverage around key, considered times. Smaller businesses tend to rely on consistent drum beat marketing. In this article, we’ll delve […]
Building a Social Media Community: Why Your Audience Isn’t Just a Number
When it comes to social media, we often hear people refer to their followers as their “audience.” But let’s be honest, referring to your social media community as an audience suggests that you are a showman or celebrity. In reality, people aren’t hanging on your every word. Even with a successful social media strategy, they […]
The Future of Digital Marketing: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Game for Businesses and Brands
Image Source What was once an industry limited to banner ads and pop-ups, digital marketing has truly come a long way throughout the years. Today, businesses and brands have an array of tools and technologies at their disposal to connect with their target audiences. One of the most exciting innovations at the forefront of this […]
The #2 biggest mistake businesses make with their marketing
I’ve worked with a lot of different businesses, and I’ve consulted with even more. There are two evil twin sisters that keep cropping up in each preliminary call that I have with a new client, and they always say: “Come and play with us Katie” And I’ll be honest, I used to go in and […]
How to be a happy freelancer
I’ve been a freelance digital marketer for around 8 years. At 27, I left my job as an agency marketing manager and took the plunge to become self-employed. I dived in head first, and I didn’t know what awaited me. Working in an agency, I had a good idea about the types of businesses out […]
Is marketing….evil?
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day when I saw some sponsored content by a widely-used website building company. The blog was about how to use persuasion science in your marketing techniques – aka ‘neuromarketing’ and pretty much everyone responded with “but that’s evil! Here’s a marketing strategy for you – if you have […]
What’s the Vision?
Vision is a hugely under-discussed part of marketing. Business begins with vision, and it’s carried through into everything you do.As a marketer, it’s really difficult to work with companies who lack vision and it’s something that I look out for when I’m choosing a client to collaborate with. It tends to be present in businesses […]
Beyond business growth. What happens next?
All businesses, large and small, come to me to fix a very specific business problem: They need, or would like more customers. Whenever I’m consulting with a new client, I always find that the following question is the most telling about where they are on their business journey: ‘How many new customers do you want?’ […]
Brand tone of voice – Definition, consistency and integrity
I had an interesting Q+A session the other day. During which a lady asked me what was appropriate to post on social media, should we refrain from posting about social topics? “Well” I said “If it’s relevant to your brand then post it, if it’s not, then don’t.” “But I don’t want to be all […]